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 SnowKiteSolider ~Accomodations ~ FEMALE SNOWKITE CLINIC! 
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Joined: Thu Jan 14, 2010 12:00 pm
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Post SnowKiteSolider ~Accomodations ~ FEMALE SNOWKITE CLINIC!
Hey all,

As you may know, the SnowKite Solider Event in Idaho is just around the corner... With that, people have been looking for accomodations, whether it be hotel, townhome or homes to rent. I just wanted to let you know that David at Solider Mountain Ranch is the new manager over there, and they have a 3 for 2 special (3 nights for the price of 2) going on right now...

Here's what they have for accommodations and their pricing:
Several 6 person cabins which are $145.00/night, with taxes and the special is $156.00 or around there. This is based on double-occupancy.
Several 8 person cabins which are $200.00/night with taxes and the special is 216.00 or around there. This is based on double-occupancy.

All sleep 6 (8 where stated) in a queen-sized bed and can house more on the floor. 2 Bathrooms and 3-4 Bedrooms each with Living Room, Fireplace, Kitchen, and Central Heat. Hot Tub and easy access to kiting area just down the road.

Basically, it comes out to be about $27.00-$37.00 a person. But, it's based on double-occupancy.

Feel free to contact David directly, I've provided the information below. Things are selling out quickly, so don't let this get away...

Working with David on an "Athlete's Breakfast" for the weekend of the event.... It is looking like a buffet-style breakfast, will have a variety of different foods to ensure different dietary restrictions are taken care of, and we are looking at it happening Friday, Saturday and Sunday morning. However, he needs to have 16 people at least in order to open the kitchen up for the event... Would you please contact David and let him know if you would be interested in having a breakfast for each of the days there? The breakfast would be around $10.00 or so, but that is not set in stone...Also, you do not need to be a guest to indulge yourself in this amazing deal of a breakfast/feast:-)

Soldier Mountain Ranch - A Hidden Paradise ... Phone (208) 764-2506. Fax (208) 764-2927 © Soldier Mountain Ranch Country Club and Resort 2006 ...

If there are other places that anyone knows of feel free to add to this post, I was just calling around, and spoke with David and just wanted to let you all know about this:-)

I'm looking to see if there are any females (ages 8 & up) interested in participating in a snowkiting clinic during the same time as the SnowKite Solider Event (February 19, 20, 21)...

Depending on levels of the females, will be what we do for the clinic. If we have 6-8 females we will hold the clinic. All equipment and housing would be included in the price if needed. More information to come with this, but would like to see if there is any interest first. Will also be working on swag for the clinic as well...

The cost: currently without housing and equipment included it would be 125.00 total. If housing is included, the cost would be an additional 150.00 for three nights housing, and that is in the log cabin which has 3-4 queen beds located at SMR. We may also have an option of bunkbeds as well.
What type of clinic?: Snowkiting clinic showing the basics through jumping, this could change depending on the levels we have interested.
How many: we can only have 6-8 in order to ensure that everyone is taken care of and has 1:1 time.
Time: 8-11:30am on Friday and Saturday morning (February 19 & 20).
What is included in the cost?: Breakfast at SMR (before the clinic begins) and a sack lunch which will include a sandwich, drink, chips and 2 cookies. Group instruction for 3.5 hours each day with at least two instructors and snowmobile assistance.

I am currently working on equipment being provided and will update as information is available.

Please PM me via, PM me here, post a reply on this thread, send me an e-Mail at: or send me a message via FB (under biz name: BOARDERCHIXBOARDSPORTS)... The event will be through: BOARDERCHIXBOARDSPORTS. Need to have interested people contact me ASAP, as this is very time sensitive...Smile

Janet (boarderchick)

Thu Jan 14, 2010 12:01 pm
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